A transs3xual who had a £10,000 s3x change on the NHS to become a woman now wants the taxpayers to foot the bill for a further £14,000 of surgery so she can become a man again.
According to DailyMail, Chelsea Attonley, 30, who was born a boy and called Matthew, said she now finds being a woman
‘exhausting’, is tired of putting on make-up and wearing heels, and now accepts that she should always have stayed a man.
Chelsea said she had struggled with her identity while growing and as a child she would dress up in
women’s clothes. In her twenties she became a drag queen known as Miss Malibu, drawing on glamour model Katie Price’s look for inspiration. An initial bid for a s3x change to become a woman was turned down by a doctor, sending Chelsea into a spiral of depression, she said.